The Brescia Centennial Portraiture,' 2019-2020. Acrylics on crezon.16 ft. x 24 ft. St. James Building,
Brescia University, London, Ontario.
How was the first women-only university born and continue to live? Over 100 stories from people and archives narrated versions of this herstory.
The Brescia Centennial Portraiture, also called the Brescia Centennial Story mural, is a community initiative and participatory arts process designed to create an embodied representation of the past 100 years of Brescia's history through artistic expression. The mural celebrates women in community, education, and leadership by documenting and weaving individual and collective stories together.
The process brought together students, faculty, staff, board members, alumnae, and neighbors, creating a collective sense of belonging and community through collaboration. The final production sits in the courtyard of the University highlighting the legacy of the Ursuline founders and its journeys unfolding to the present.
Facilitators: Nina Trask, Hannah Kern-Cheng, Joelle Francis, Pamela Hough, Savannah Hayes
Lead Producer and Facilitator: Melanie Schambach
Partner Organization: Brescia University College
Funded by: The Circle Women’s Collective and private donations